Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sons for the return home

At first I was very reluctant to read this book, and during the beginning i found the structure quite confusing to wrap my head around. However, after persevering I came to realise that this book all too well reminded me of the previous generation in my family and how a majority of them hold the same values Sione and his family possess in this text.

i felt that, if put generally, this text could in fact relate to a majority of the previous generation of Pacific Islanders who, or their parents, immigrated to New Zealand for a better life overcoming obstacles along the way.

I found it quite interesting reading issues that were addressed, such as homosexuality. Coming from an era where it is more socially accepted to be, or know someone, who is gay. Reading the book from the perspective of an older time, where they did not possess the same values or education as we do. I found it difficult to read without feeling a tinge of frustration that at the sight of two men making love the man felt physically ill. However, it does remind me of the lack of tolerance my Dad held for the same issue.

I feel this book does a remarkable job of representing the racism towards Pacific Islanders back them. Students of today, regardless of whether they are familiar with the various cultures, still has some understanding of how Pacific Islanders were treated as being 'dirty' back then. This is illustrated when Sione and his brother try to help a man out of the dump but he pushes them away telling them to get off him and calling them 'Nazis'

Overall, I believe that 'Sons for the Return Home' is a historical text which clearly represents the living conditions of Pacific Island Immigrants to New Zealand in the 1960s so perfectly that it is still relevant today for the use of Students to understand and become familiar with.

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